Alien Anthology Wiki

Biographical information
Serial/ID number
Physical description
Gender Male
Species Human
Hair color Dark
Eye color
Chronological and political information

Bionational Corporation (formerly)
Church of Immaculate Incubation



Behind the Scenes information
First appearance Aliens: Book One (only appearance)
Last appearance
Portrayed by

Salvaje was the overzealous leader of the Church of Immaculate Incubation, the organization founded by him that worshiped the Xenomorph species as the "True Messiah". Salvaje and members of his cult attacked Bionational's facility in Lima that was storing captive Xenomorphs to release his messiah onto Earth. Due to Salvaje's actions the planet was overrun.



Born into a wealthy family, Salvaje had no need to really work to live with his parents' wealth to support him. At some point in his life, Salvaje worked for Bionational Corporation and made the acquaintance of Gerard. During this time, Salvaje came across one of his company's bio-weapon systems that involved the Xenomorph. He later became obsessed with the creatures and wanted to unleash them on the Earth, to rid the planet of non-believers and the weak. At some specific time, Salvaje's beliefs and organization gained the attention of the Terran Government.

Spreading the message

After hiring a technician, Maris, Salvaje began broadcasting his message on the net. He managed to accumulate between several hundred to several thousand followers. Obsessed with carrying the creature's young, Salvaje would hire a pregnant prostitute for "studying" on asking her how it felt to carry a living being. Around this time Salvaje's tech Maris was being harassed by government agents regarding Salvaje's activities. The tech confronted Salvaje on what made him so special to the government and mentioned that he was done working for Salvaje.

Freeing the "Messiah"

After discovering that his former employer, the Bionational Corporation had one of his "messiahs" on Earth, Salvaje put together a plan with his organization to assault the facility in Lima and become one with the "messiah". The plan went well with several waves of suicide bombers taking out most of the defenses onsite, and Salvaje and the rest of his members, wearing just robes and unarmed attacked the remaining guards and killed them.

Entering the secured wing of the facility, and unknowingly setting off the self-destruct failsafe, Salvaje and his followers disrobed revealing the full body tattoos of xenomorphs on himself and his followers and leaned over the eggs in the facility. The egg opened and the creature inside leapt out at Salvaje who tried to scream before the creature attached itself to his face. It is unknown if Salvaje perished in the facility's self-destruct or from the creature fully gestating in his body. A few of his infected followers survived and caused the start of the infestation on Earth.
